Depending on who you are talking to or the resource you are using to inform your unplanned pregnancy, there are more options than abortion, including adoption and parenting.

Keep reading to learn more about how to evaluate the best choice for you. At Affirm Women’s Health, we offer no-cost options consultations where you can ask questions and learn about local resources in a safe, non-judgmental environment.

Considering Adoption

With adoption, you have the final say as the biological parent on the type of adoption you choose. You can also choose the adoptive family your child will be placed with.

There are several types of adoption to consider:

  • Open Adoption: You maintain an ongoing, in-person relationship with both your child and the adoptive family. Open adoptions make up the majority of adoptions today.
  • Semi-Open Adoption: Communication occurs through an adoption agency, allowing you to exchange non-identifying information with the adoptive parents.
  • Closed Adoption: There is no ongoing relationship between you and the child or the adoptive family. The courts seal all details regarding you and the adoption.

With different adoption options, you can choose what works best for you. In many cases, you may be eligible for financial assistance for pregnancy/birth medical costs, as well as living expenses.

At Affirm Women’s Health, we can answer your questions about adoption and refer you to reputable adoption agencies.

Assessing Your Readiness for Parenthood

Becoming a parent is a significant decision that comes with joys and challenges. Here are a few key areas to consider as you weigh your options:

  • Support System: Evaluate the availability of family, friends, or community organizations that offer assistance with childcare, guidance, and other resources. Do you have a support system you can rely on?
  • Living Arrangements: Determine where you and your child will live, ensuring the environment is financially stable and suitable for a young child.
  • Education and Career: Can you financially support the child? Do you have a plan to accommodate your education and career if you choose parenting?

You don’t have all the answers right away. Many programs are available to support women with unplanned pregnancies, regardless of whether they are single or have a partner. At our center, we can help connect you to local resources.

Next Steps

No matter where you are in your pregnancy journey, we’re here to empower you with information and compassionate support. You don’t have to make this decision alone!

If you’d like to schedule a no-cost options consultation or pregnancy testing, we offer these resources to help equip you with valuable information. Contact us today to set up an appointment!